Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Operation Management of Nike Essay - 2231 Words

Operation management Nikes Operations management concerned about forecasting, controlling, designing, operating, and scheduling business operations in the production of Nike foot ware. Its excellent management that has been developed and ameliorated during the long term operation has enabled that business operations to be efficient and at the same time using as few resources as required. It is also effective in terms of satisfying customer demands, and thus it has become one of the key issue that Nike develop prosperously despite the fierce competitions with other foot ware giants such as Adidas, Reebok, Puma, etc. The operation management system includes manufacturing and production systems, equipment maintenance management,†¦show more content†¦A comprehensive monitoring tools were developed based on this management regulation. They hired compliance specialists in order to help, estimate and monitor all the contract factories in 51 different countries and conducted factory audits. The method h elped increase the companys reputation, added glory to the brand, and as a result become incentive of sales. The protection to worker is not only humanistic but also beneficial to the company. With the increase of staff salary, some of them would be more willing to buy Nike products that they may not be able to buy before, and may be more willing to promote the brand to their friends and relatives. Nike is almost a virtual company, as the company itself doesnt produce a single pair of shoes itself. All of the production activities, from design, production, storage to sales, are outsourced to the contract companies. However, it is the spirit, and the head quarter of the whole production. Such management strategy has greatly reduced labour cost, and this is one of the major reason why Nike shoes can compete with other famous or local foot ware brands at a relative low cost. Hence, the core competivity of the virtual company is its management. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Race Essay Example - 1110 Words

After a running the Killington Beast both Saturday Sunday just last weekend, I was looking forward to a nice and flat Super Sprint. †¢ Registration and Festival: Registration, wasn’t as fast as it was the week before, but it still moved quickly. I am loving the bar-code system and no longer having to complete paper waivers. The festival area was large and for the turnout they had on both Saturday Sunday, the extra space came in handy. Even though the area was large, everything still was set up well and easy to locate. †¢ Pre-race MC: The MC, was John â€Å"JJ† O’Malley who is a former contestant on the TV show The Biggest Loser. He was also the MC the previous weekend in Vermont and I wasn’t that happy with him, but this weekend,†¦show more content†¦They did have a lot water stations though so that helped combat the heat and potential of dehydration all day. When I first arrived at the venue and saw an abundance of obstacles set up around the festival area, I feared the course would be almost all trails and a massive gauntlet of obstacles at the end, but as mentioned above, that wasn’t the case at all. Garfield and his team utilized a clover style layout that had racers enter and exit the festival area several times. This style of course is great for friends, family, and spectators to get to watch loved ones and friends complete a lot of the obstacles. The course still did have a mini gauntlet of obstacles at the end of the both the Super and Sprint as the course exited the woods its last time and came to: Twister, Olympus, the Spear Toss, the A-Frame cargo net climb, and finally, the fire jump all almost all back-to-back-to-back. The courses included most of the obstacles Spartan racers have seen at every event in 2017, but they did have a twist with the Hay Pyramid, as this was the first time (I hope not the only time) that I have seen a Spartan team stack haybales on top of each other like a pyramid. The second I saw this obstacle, I knew it was something Garfield designed and laughed as I thought about how much he probably had to contend with to get the obstacle approved. The Sprint also included the following obstacles:Show MoreRelatedThe Critical Race Theory Essay example1878 Words   |  8 Pages We live in a society where race is seen as a vital part of our personalities, the lack of racial identity is very often an important factor which prevent people from not having their own identity (Omi Winant, 1993). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Socrates Plato Maimonides And Aristotle Education Essay Free Essays

Socrates was an intelligent adult male who idealized the hunt for truth and justness. I love the manner he would inquire inquiries in order to encompass others with cognition of the encompassing universe. Socrates used what we call inductive logical thinking. We will write a custom essay sample on Socrates Plato Maimonides And Aristotle Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Inductive logical thinking agencies that from all the fact we get replies. He believed that adult male was capable of geting at truth through the usage of ground. He besides linked cognition to happiness. He believed that cognition or penetrations was the foundation of virtuousness and felicity. The Socratic Method is a method of look intoing jobs through duologue treatment in a schoolroom a instructor can let a pupil to believe critically and engraft the Socratic Method. The pupils will larn as the instructor keeps on inquiring inquiries. The instructor analyzes some of the possible effect of the pupil ‘s comments. The accent is upon the believing procedure of the pupil, who must believe for himself and accept the effects of his logic. I have tried the Socratic method with my kindergarten category. The topic was to jump count by two ‘s and my pupils were able to reply my Socratic based inquiries good. Besides, in learning we should direct the pupil into the right reply instead than stating him the right reply. With the Socratic Method the instructor does non state the pupil the proper reply ; the instructor should pull the pupil to the likely reply. I believe that pupils can utilize their encephalons and be challenged on an mundane footing. This manner so the pupil learns when he discovers the true generalisation through his logical thinking procedures. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 10/30/09 Plato Plato was the first philosopher in instruction. He was influenced by Pythagoreans and believed that Mathematical apprehension can act upon apprehension of the universe. He believed that math was the footing of the universe. He mentions that if people do non understand math so they should non be allowed in his school. Plato demonstrated that pedagogues have deep attention for the wellbeing and hereafter of their pupils. I found Plato really influential because he besides mentions in differing educational demands is needed with assorted life phases. Plato references that each and every individual is different and needs degrees of instruction, understanding and concluding. We as instructors know that every kid can larn otherwise. Some kids have knowledge in some topographic points where others do n’t and frailty versa. In every schoolroom at that place will ever be pupils that are non traveling to be on the same degree as other pupils. I think that pupils who are making ill in the category or have a certain disablement should be placed with pupils that are stand outing in the schoolroom. In add-on, the instructor may desire to hold the pupils who are holding trouble sitting in forepart of the category and pay closer attending to the lesson. The instructor should besides hold group undertakings more frequently, because it may be easier for pupils who are holding troubles in the surveies to larn and understand better. I think that group work is really of import in kids ‘s development. Group work gives kids abilities to socialise and place themselves as a portion of a group. I think that math should be the foundation of the pupils school work. Plato was a strong truster in this and so am I. I think that mathematics is a portion of mundane life and should be incorporated in mundane lessons. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 11/3/09 Aristotle Aristotle was a scientist. He explained that cognition is gained by esthesis. He mentioned that when people experience something they are able think about it, retrieve it and how it alters their life. He states that we abstract things and we take it within ourselves. In add-on, Aristotle believed that people should believe for themselves and develop thoughts on their ain. The importance of instruction in the doctrine of Aristotle was great and believed that we could larn to utilize our ground to get at virtuousness and felicity, merely through the procedure of instruction. Aristotle placed habit high in the acquisition procedure. Aristotle thinks that adult male learns by nature, wont, and ground. In my schoolroom I as the Pre-k instructor would form stuffs harmonizing to the Torahs of ground. I would seek to do the schoolroom every bit natural as I can. I would integrate existent life state of affairs through drama. For illustration, when learning math-addition or minus, you can convey different things in similar confects and really demo the pupils with the confects how to add and how to deduct. In the play centre, I would do a food market shop and allow the kids add up different points. For illustration, A bag of murphy french friess cost a penny and if they brought two how much money would they necessitate? It will be easier for the kid to hold on instead than merely giving them a press release. Besides, insistent drill would be used to reenforce what was understood by ground. I would besides integrate in my schoolroom positive support. I would prom ote my pupils to dispute themselves on an mundane footing. Farnaz Lavianlivi Professor Garelick 11/16/09 Rabbi moses ben maimons Maimonides was born in Spain ( 1135-1204 ) . He did non desire to learn and acquire paid for it so he chose to go a physician. He respected and treated everyone every bit as a doctor. As for instruction he said that we should take high on our ends. He besides states that a lazy instructor is a dishonest instructor. He believed that motive besides plays a large function in acquiring pupils to larn. Maimonides brings a really of import affair in a schoolroom. The schoolrooms should non be overcrowded. He was the first philosopher to explicate that if there are more than 25 pupils at that place should be a instructor helper in the schoolroom. Students need individualised attending in a schoolroom. This to Maimonides was critical because pupils need to hold the instructor ‘s attending in order to win the schoolroom. This manner a pupil will experience of import and will be able to larn and derive more out of the lesson if the instructor is paying attending to each person. If the schoolroom is overcrowded non every individual pupil will acquire the attending they deserve. Maimonides thought that kids will larn when instructors use positive support. In add-on, in the schoolroom you may desire to hold spines or ice lollies for childs who participate in category as a good incentive to acquire pupils to take part. Rabbi moses ben maimons thought that the instruction of the organic structure and the psyche is really of import. He besides thought that the pedagogue needs to be knowing and moral. I believe that a instructor does necessitate the cognition and ethical motives to learn. She/ he needs to be ready and cognize the reply to their pupil ‘s inquiries. Maimonides thought that kids need to socialise and larn. Integrating Maimonides thoughts on instruction, I would make more group work so my pupils will be able to larn and turn from each other. How to cite Socrates Plato Maimonides And Aristotle Education Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Common Characteristics of an Organization Paper free essay sample

Organizations have things in common but they are not all alike. Whether they are work organizations or non-profit organizations, they do share common characteristics. These characteristics include a system, rules, roles, hierarchy, norms, similarity, status, networks, and organizational culture. I have been given the chance to work in both types of organizations, but the one I see more of these characteristics shine through is the non-profit organization I’ve volunteered at for almost 10 years now. The Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) is a grassroots organization, which started for the Armenian youth by the youth in the diaspora to build a better bridge with the homeland. It also strives to advance the goals for a free, independent and united Armenia. The organization, as a whole, is made up of individuals all over the world with each different country having their own chapter. On the west coast of the United States there are 14 different chapters, the Hollywood chapter being one of them, my chapter. Our chapter is made up of youth living in the Hollywood/Los Angeles area. Culture is a huge part of this non-profit because that is the basis and the platform it was started on. It is a cultural organization where the youth comes together to work together in an effort to achieve positive goals for the community. Since the organization is based on the Armenian culture, it brings in many different aspects like tradition and other norms of the Armenian society. Understand the culture to understand the organization, states Edgar Schein, the noted MIT professor of organizational development and culture. Culture permeates your company and defines what you and your organization stand for. † (Burley, Demand Media) The AYF has members who have learned the norms of the organization from their own families and their own Armenian surroundings. Rules and systems are two important concepts to this theory, which are the same two concepts important to the organization this group is apart of. The communication theory, which explains this group the best, would be Structuration Theory, â€Å"the general framework that explains how people structure their groups by making active use of rules and resources. † (Beebe Masterson, p. 44) Individuals just joining the group, already have a set out system in which all the rules and procedures of meetings are written out and available for reference. Each individual is taught these rules through educationals and through hands on experiences working as a team. The organizations system for each chapter was to have a group of members with an executive body, who would be in charge of that group and their activities throughout the year. There needed to be a chair, secretary, and treasurer for the chapters to be functioning. Each position was essential to a functioning chapter. Without a strong chairperson, leadership would fail in the chapter. Without an organized secretary, none of the records and work of the chapter would be achieved as well as the treasury. This organization is marked by the process by which they collect, manage, and use information. The organization plays into both informal and formal norms, inside of meetings and out. Since the group members age from 18-26, the young members are just learning about the ways an organization work so a lot of informal norms do play into a lot of the meetings. In a way, it’s better for the chapters to have informal meetings at times because all members feel more comfortable to participate and speak up. Of course, from those informal meetings there come the formal meetings where members hold meetings with higher up organizational members to discuss future goals and plans for the organization. Communication with the organization higher central executive body and the members is formal through emails and the Nexus which is the Internet community built for all members to use and stay in touch. On that Nexus, we can read all correspondence that is sent to us by the central executive, which includes updates on organizational work and community events. There are also chat rooms where members can communicate with one another, more on an informal basis because it is just a chat. All correspondence between chapters and central executive is formal. That way, the organization is taken more seriously not only among the members but also with the rest of the community. Hierarchy within the organization is present and is essential for all work to get completed. The AYF has two central executives for the United States chapters, one on the West coast and one on the East. Above them there is the executive of our father organization, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF), which have members from the age of 26 and up. Although we are essentially two different organizations, we are all have the same platform and the AYF needs to work with the ARF to have final approval on certain things we would like to do. For example, the AYF cannot plan a protest without the approval of the ARF they will need to make sure that the protest is beneficial for the community and the nation. The central executive of the AYF has their own agenda that is different from the ARF and in turn works off that agenda with the rest of the chapter executives. Each chapter has as mentioned above that consists of a chairperson, secretary, and treasure. Some chapters, depending on the number of members, have advisors on their executive body. Each member in the organization has the same power and is treated the same, no member has a higher power then the rest. The only difference with this executive body is to make sure that the work within the organization is getting done and all members have a voice and are participating. The executive body usually assigned responsibilities within the chapter, as they wanted to make sure that each member had a task to complete. Members from here would take on the responsibility of that task and complete it before the deadline. Of course, there were members who were not as active as other members, which caused a lot of unfinished work within the group. I was faced with a lot of problems with my membership when I was the chair of the Hollywood chapter. Working with members who lacked communication and dedication, made it very difficult to complete almost any task given to the chapter. When facing these problems, it was very hard to not take on every single responsibility because the organization was a learning experience for everyone. If one member failed to do a task, another member was to show them how to complete the task, not do it themselves. If they decided to leave, then the executive body would assign the task to someone else. Responsibility for seeing that these functions are performed rests, on the whole, with the group leader, but each group member also has responsibility to support the leader, to improve their personal group-work skills, and to help the group achieve the best results possible. Which leads us to the discussion of leadership and management in the organization. The chairperson is sought to be the leader of each chapter. They are there to lead the chapter and direct them towards the goals of the organization. They are also the people who members look up to for inspiration and advise. The chairperson has to set a good example to the rest of the chapter, as they will be the ones who are representing their chapter. A member wouldn’t want to be apart of a chapter that has a chairperson they don’t like or respect. This chairperson and executive body also teaches the membership about the rules and norms of the organization and other organization skills that members can take and use outside like at their own jobs. Each chapter faces their own problems and each has their own way of dealing with them. When members do not show up to meetings or lack participation with the chapter, the executive has three steps to follow. The first two is to contact the member and personally ask them to be present at the next meeting. If the member fails to be present, the third step is to send out a self defense, which is a formal meeting with the executive and that member to discuss the next steps of their membership and determine if that member should be kicked out of the organization or not. When facing issues with the chapter, the executive needs to give their membership a chance to voice out their suggestions and their concerns. With that feedback, the executive will need to work together to come up with the solution and take it back to the chapter to vote on. This brings transparency within the organization and chapter members. The Hollywood chapter meets in the city of Los Angeles right in Little Armenia, and this environment influences our chapter much more then any other chapter. Members know the importance of the chapter especially that they are in the part recognized as Little Armenia. Putting together cultural and community events creates a stronger organization for the AYF.